Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
IndyFirstKIDS is a great place for your children and grandchildren to learn about Jesus in a fun, active, safe environment!
IndyFirstKIDS is for every child: Infant through Grade 5.
Bring your family to one of the following IndyFirstKIDS services:
SUNDAY SCHOOL ~ 9:30am-10:30am Sundays
CHILDREN’S CHURCH ~ 10:30-11:45am Sundays
And, you are always welcome to keep your children with you in the Sanctuary for our 10:30am Sunday Worship Service.
IndyFirstKIDS is for every child: Infant through Grade 5.
Bring your family to one of the following IndyFirstKIDS services:
SUNDAY SCHOOL ~ 9:30am-10:30am Sundays
CHILDREN’S CHURCH ~ 10:30-11:45am Sundays
And, you are always welcome to keep your children with you in the Sanctuary for our 10:30am Sunday Worship Service.

We believe parents carry the responsibility to disciple their children. A child watches you everyday, you will be the most powerful example and influence in their life. We would love to partner and come alongside you to be a support and encouragement in your journey. Below you will find some resources that may be helpful to you. Please let us know if you need something else or have a question.

Use the lessons below to share God's Word with your child/children.
From a basket in the Nile to a burning bush in the wilderness, God’s prevenient grace was at work in Moses’ life. We will see how God’s love continues to pursue Moses and the Israelites with saving grace as they cross through the parted Red Sea and then to Mt. Sinai. There God leads His people with sanctifying grace and offers a covenant relationship as He gives Moses the Ten Commandments.